PositivePeople May 30, 2022 No Comments

Speed is of the essence

Candidates will be making several applications at once. You can avoid a bidding war by moving quickly and securing them first.

  • In the past having an “applications close” date on your job ads was the norm. This allowed you time for all possible candidates to apply. You could then select the best. In today’s market if you try this approach, by the time you are making calls the best candidates will have been snapped up already. Making time to review applications every day means you can move quickly to interview talent and have the best chance of getting them on board.
  • Long recruitment processes with several interviews and tests can take weeks to complete. By the time you have proven you have the perfect person you will likely have lost them to another offer. Take the time to streamline your process – you can still make a robust selection decision in a couple of days if you are smart, creative, and flexible with the process. Make sure you know what is essential and cut out anything which isn’t.

Make your role stand out.

In a situation where a candidate is in the mix for multiple roles, think through how you can be different and make sure you are their number one choice.

  • How engaging is your job ad? Does it reflect your organisation and what candidates are looking for in a role? Flexible working, job security and career opportunities are top considerations so think through what you can offer that’s attractive and make sure it is highlighted.
  • The first impression counts. Think through your phone screen and initial contact. How can you make them excited about the role? What’s special about your business? How do you make them feel comfortable? Having a warm, engaging first up conversation will go a long way towards making your role their first choice.
  • Remember an interview is a two-way process. While you are assessing the candidate’s job fit, they are also assessing you, the role, and the business. Make the interview as engaging and interesting as possible, and that every person involved in the hiring process is right on top of their game.

Increase your sourcing channels

Placing an ad on SEEK and waiting for the magic “perfect” candidate to apply may leave you disappointed. Widening your channels will increase your reach, and your candidate pool.

Think about:

  • Linkedin
  • Referrals
  • Local social media pages
  • Professional networks
  • Training organisations

Make sure you have the offer right.

The market has shifted over the past year and is far more competitive. Do your research before your recruit so you know you have the right salary band for the current environment. If you don’t, you will turn candidates off at the first conversation, or with your job ad. And once a candidate has turned you down the chance of getting them to change their mind is minimal.

It is a candidate’s market right now. Your traditional approach probably needs a shake-up if you want to be successful. The right candidate is out there. If you understand the market and are creative with your approach, you will find them!

Our Positive People team understand the market and have the skills and experience to help you recruit well.

Contact us today if you have a recruitment need. info@positivepeople.co.nz

Or 09-445 1077 or 021-1845 661

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