
Finding and employing top people who will complement your existing workforce and drive your business forward is critical to your continued business success.

We work alongside you to understand the right skills, experience and behaviours you need in each role. Our robust selection processes will ensure you recruit people who align with the values, vision and culture of your organisation. We have the experience and knowledge to understand and then find exactly the right person for the job.

As an HR Consultancy, we have in-depth knowledge of what work those in advertised roles actually do. We can help you with the full recruitment process, or you can decide the level of support you need. We offer a range of options that allow us to customise our approach to ensure it fits your budget.

The Recruitment process

Having a robust recruitment process is essential. We don’t cut corners and always ensure that we follow our tried and tested process. We treat each applicant with the utmost respect and always communicate the recruitment decision to them. We believe that this is only the right thing to do and also builds your employment brand.

Our recruitment process involves:

  • Job Description development
  • Person Profile development
  • Advertisement drafting & placement
  • CV screening
  • Telephone screening & interviews
  • Personal interviews
  • Reference checking
  • IEA negotiation
  • Applicant regrets

We can do as much or as little of this process as you would like us to. Most clients find that our full service is incredible value and a huge time saver for them.

Induction & On-boarding

Recruiting a new team member is costly and time consuming. This means it makes sense to have every new person settle in quickly, become productive as soon as possible, and stay in your business for the long term. Having a quality induction and on-boarding process can make all these things happen.

We establish and walk you through all the steps needed to implement an effective induction and on-boarding process in your business that allows your new employees to become and feel part of your team from day one.
