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4 Important HR issues for 2015


Our picks for the most important issues this year are:

1. Flexibility will increasingly rule. With the changes to the Employment Relations Act that take effect on 6 March, businesses will need to think about how best to accommodate flexible working arrangement requests. Smart organisations will give some thought to possible options that might exist to make their workplaces better able to meet requests for more flexible work arrangements. As any employee can make a request and can also make any number of requests, this piece of legislation has the potential to be a game changer over time. Of course, agreement will be needed and any arrangement agreed to will need to also suit the needs of the business. However, no doubt, over time organisations will need to become more flexible. The legislation is, of course, simply catching up with where many employees are currently at. If you want to remain or become an employer of choice, start your thinking on flexibility in your workplace now. Employees’ minds are already there.

2. Top employees will be hard to recruit. With the economy bouncing along at a good clip, high quality job seekers are being sucked up very quickly. When there is a need to recruit, understand very clearly exactly the person you need, write good job ads, develop professional interview questions, reference check in a standardised way and run your process quickly and to deadline. The main message here is that when you come across a good candidate, move fast, or be left in the dust as others beat you to them.


3. Retaining your good people will be much about their level of engagement. Employees like to be involved and engaged, and if you take them for granted and allow their employment to drift along, then you risk losing them. Those of a lesser calibre will stay in this environment but real contributors want to be part of your business, have a say and feel they have made a difference. Involve them and make engagement a priority this year.


4. Employees want personal and professional growth and development. Make sure that you have development plans in place for your identified top performers and high flyers. Those with drive want to keep getting better and it is in your interest to provide learning opportunities for these important employees. Talk to them about their aspirations and business wants and needs, and do your best to help them develop in a way that benefits both them and your business. Taking these 4 points into account when doing your HR planning for the year could make the difference between retaining your best employees or losing a few of them.


We are always available to talk through any of these issues.

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Recruiting the Best – Common Mistakes to Avoid

Finding someone with both the right skills for the job and also the right attitude and personality traits to fit in with your team can be a challenging task, and a time consuming process.

We have compiled a few of the common recruitment mistakes we have come across to help you on your way to making great hiring decisions.

Mistake 1: Relying on interviews alone

Interviews involve talking and a candidate having to sell themselves. Yet how many roles actually have this as the main skill set you are looking for? Judging candidates on who interviewed best can often result in a poor hiring decision, as you end up taking on the best talker, rather than the person with the best skills for the role. Include other elements in the process where you can. These could include a skills test or personality test and it is imperative to include at least two verbal reference checks. The more varied your selection methods, the more robust your results will be and the better your recruitment decision will be.

Mistake 2: Looking for an exact replica

We all know how sad it can be when Jane, you star employee, leaves the business and how tempting it is to want someone just like her to replace her. The bad news is that there is only one Jane. However the good news is that a Mary or a John may still do a great job, but just do it a little differently. Double check your selection criteria to make sure you are looking for what you actually need, rather than just describing Jane and looking for Jane Number 2.

Mistake 3: Not allowing the right amount of time

Recruitment processes can become complex due the pressures to fill the role, other business priorities and also the possibility that you might lose a star candidate at the last hurdle. This can mean that the process ends up proceeding too slowly.

However, don’t be pressured by the immediate need to replace. Quick hiring is usually bad hiring, and can in the long run cause you more difficulty than leaving the role vacant for a while.

Equally if you have uncovered a top calibre candidate, then move decisively or you will lose them to someone else. Throughout the recruitment process, ensure that you are communicating with them, keeping them informed of progress and keeping the stages moving along so you don’t lose them to someone else. Losing top candidates in this way happens all too frequently.

Mistake 4: Looking for the impossible

It is easy to write a candidate person profile wish list a mile long, but how realistic is this? Once you have written your list, identify the “must haves”, the “good to haves” as well as the “trainable” areas.

That way if you have someone who ticks all the “must haves” and some of the “good to haves” you can assess if you can train the rest. Remember no-one is perfect.

This, of course, does not mean lowering the bar. A top class candidate is still first prize and compromises below a certain point should not be made. Hold onto your “must-have” list, and make sure the candidate you do hire ticks all these boxes.

Mistake 5: Relying on the judgement of one person alone

Everyone has different views and sees different things in people. Relying on your judgement alone can sometimes mean missing a crucial aspect of the candidate’s skills or personality. Having more people involved in the process adds different perspectives and helps for a better decision.

Mistake 6: Being unrealistic about the Company

You often hear from new employees “This is not what I signed up to!” Recruitment is a two-way process. For the new hire to be successful they have to be sure they will be happy with you, as much as you have to be happy with them. Be honest about the environment, the culture and the role. This doesn’t mean being negative. It means honestly informing them of the challenges they will face and allowing them time to decide if they are up to it and the company culture suits them.

Mistake 7: Offering a salary which doesn’t meet the market

If you believe a candidate is good, so will others, and if a candidate has two equally attractive all round offers on the table they will usually take the one that pays more.

Be realistic about what you offer. While it is tempting to look for a superstar who has possibly been overlooked by others and hope you strike gold, the chances are not high.

Usually if someone is good at a job, yet takes a role below market rates there is a reason for this. Paying market rates makes good sense and apart from attracting people to the business is also a key element in retaining good people.

Bear in mind that recruitment costs are usually estimated to be between 3-5 times the annual salary of the position you are hiring for. This takes into account the time of everyone involved, the cost of advertising, lost productivity when you have a vacant role, as well as the cost of training someone and waiting until they are up to speed and become productive.
Knowing that, it makes sense to do it properly, correctly and professionally so that you hire the person who is right for your business and stays with you for the long term.

Think about the effort put in and how long it takes to arrive at a $30,000 + CAPEX decision, and you don’t buy it year after year….

We trust these points will help with your appointments.

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Honesty truly is the best policy

Every one of us, at some stage during our management career, will have to deal with a poor performer, usually more than once. It is usually a Manager’s least favourite part of their job, and the task we would most like to pass on to someone else…. When we are asked to help out our first question is “What conversations have you already had with this person?” And the most common answer is usually “None.”

While you would think that poor performers would have a degree of self-awareness about their short-comings, this is frequently just not the case. You might like to believe that poor results, inferred references in meetings, or follow-ups you have had to do should make short-comings self-evident for the team member. However this is often not the reality. They may actually have absolutely no idea you are unhappy with their performance.

In a recent example we worked with a Manager who had a Sales Rep who hadn’t achieved target for 6 months, and was performing well below the standard required. You would think that access to the black and white figures would have given the Sales Rep the idea that there may be concerns. When taken to task, he was genuinely shocked to hear from his Manager that his performance was below par. His belief was that as long as he was making the number of calls required he was on track, and he couldn’t control who finally decided to buy the product. To cut a long story short, we identified he was having trouble closing the sale, put some appropriate training in and two months later he met his target. This was a positive result that with the right honest conversation early in the piece could have gained the company a lot more revenue months before. When poor performers are eventually spoken to they frequently ask the question “Why wasn’t I told before?”

Most staff surveys that enquire what employees most value in their leaders will identify that staff want to work with someone they trust. They want to know you are honest with them, they want to know they can rely on you, they want to know what you expect, and they want to know what is going on both in the business and with their own performance – the good, the bad, and the ugly. In short, they want the truth.

So if one simple, direct, honest conversation can solve many of our performance issues, why aren’t we doing them more often?

In an environment where we are constantly reminded of the message that engaged staff are more productive, it is hard to figure out how to balance this need with the need to be honest about poor performance. We often hear from Managers that they don’t know how to have the conversation in a way that won’t impact on the business, make the team member less co-operative or upset them, and think that it may end up resulting in further performance decline.

We know these types of discussions can be uncomfortable, and we know it is easier to deal with technical matters rather than unpredictable human emotions, but the reality is that most team members value and want honesty from their managers, and it is a top factor in their engagement and performance.

As a general rule, team members do want to do a good job. We don’t know anyone who gets out of bed in the morning and says “I am going to try and perform poorly today.” They may be grumpy, they may be lazy, they be inter-personally difficult but given the right environment, most people will want to do a good job. Part of this is providing up-front honest feedback and genuine support, backed up with a solid performance management system.

Learning to give honest and constructive feedback is a fundamental element of being an effective leader, and needs to form the cornerstone of your performance management process.

How do we do this well? Here are a few suggestions:

• Be regular and consistent. If your staff are used to feedback it is easier for them to take, and you to give, it as it becomes part of the normal communication in the workplace, rather than “an awkward conversation”

• Make it timely. The more things fester the bigger they become for both you and the team member. It is preferable to address matters of concern before they become a big deal. Nip issues in the bud.

• Base the discussion on solid supporting data. Give examples. By basing the discussion on a solid factual foundation, the issue becomes easier to deal with all round as there is little “wriggle room” and emotions tend to stay more in check

• Express confidence in them that they can improve. Inform them of your expectations, and back them to deliver on them. More often than not, if they can, they will

• Try and identify why the performance isn’t where it needs to be and how this can be rectified. if you can determine the cause, skills gap or underlying issues you will be best placed to put in a fix to help the person lift their game

• Set follow-up actions and a review date. This ensures that you have a clear timeline for improvements, so any issue doesn’t drag on too long. It is also important to have done this should there be the need to move into a formal performance management process at a later stage

We recommend regular scheduled discussions, often referred to as 1-on-1s, looking briefly at key performance areas. Not only will it help you manage poor performers, it will also help you engage, motivate and inspire your whole team to deliver great results. This type of regular communication works hand in glove with the performance review process and allows team members to know exactly where they stand, and what you feel about their performance.

Jack Welch, the hugely successful CEO at General Electric is a massive advocate of candour.

“I am talking about how too many people  – too often – instinctively don’t express themselves with frankness. They don’t communicate straightforwardly or put forth ideas looking to stimulate real debate. They just don’t open up. Instead they withhold comments or criticism. They keep their mouths shut in order to make people feel better or to avoid conflict, and they sugarcoat bad news in order to maintain appearances.”

He sees a lack of candour as absolutely damaging.

Honesty truly is the best policy when dealing with poor performers.

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Staff engagement surveys…..The secrets to getting them right…..

Building trust, caring, discovering what is holding your business back, gaining commitment and improving your productivity.

Staff Engagement Surveys are the simplest, quickest and most effective way of finding out what your people think, feel and want in the workplace. The benefits begin right from the start, as the very fact of you taking the time to conduct a survey shows your team that you care and value their opinions. Combined with some timely and solid feedback and any changes you implement and you will have increased your team’s engagement.


If you start with a genuine intention to draw your people into thinking about your company, you are well on your way to getting the involvement and commitment that can drive your company upwards.


Our experience tells us that a mixture of both closed and open questions get the best result. Closed questions glean information that you can quantify and measure both immediately and comparatively. This comparative information allows you to compare departments and teams and can measure progress on the different areas surveyed over time. In this way you can identify areas requiring attention and can then track progress on initiatives. The open-ended questions attract informative comments that give you a very good feel for morale, a more thorough explanation of concerns and an indication of what actions you may like to take in the future.

Through this combination you have both measurable information and a sense of the feelings and thoughts your people have. It also provides a platform of information to help you make improvements that will best motivate you team.


As we all know – a happy workforce delivers results!


Once you have collected, analysed and translated the information a key step is to discuss the results with your management team, and make some decisions about any actions that you want to take in the light of the results. This ensures you have full support across your leadership team. You may also want to consider setting up a focus group consisting of representatives from across your business to further explore an identified issue in more depth. This allows you to encourage team participation in any improvements you make, which ultimately will help them be more successful.


Another important step is to give feedback on the results to your team. This timely feedback is vital as it shows that you value their input, are prepared to share the results with transparency and that you want to make things better in the organisation. This is a powerful motivational message from you, as their business leader.


Full Staff Engagement Surveys will usually include questions that probe company culture and values, communication, work environment, customer service, performance, development, leadership and current matters.


The ability to craft the questions so that the survey is directly relevant to what you want to know about your own organisation is essential. By having results that tell you about the things in your company that you want to know about, you are armed with valuable information that allows you to continuously improve the workplace and ultimately, your results.


Staff Engagement Surveys are essential management tools. Your team are your most important resource and it makes business sense to find out what you can do to help them perform at their best.


We would love to speak to you about supporting you with your Staff Engagement Surveys. Positive People have a long history of developing surveys which get great results and have a real impact on business success.

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Your top people challenges this year

Recently we asked our clients what their top people challenges have been so far this year. The responses made for interesting reading so we have collated the information to share.

The top themes that came through in your answers were:

  1. Getting the right people into the business While most job ads normally attract considerable response numbers, screening these to find the gold nugget who has the skills, experience and attitude you need to drive your business forward is a challenging task. We find that most businesses are now becoming increasingly aware of the cost of both the recruitment process and the costs of a bad hire, and are becoming more vigilant in their recruitment approach. Sound recruitment systems, where you carefully profile the person you need and include several different techniques in the recruitment process can help ensure you employ the top performer you are looking for.
  2. Managing people in a growth environment When a business is growing it is always a balancing act, as you juggle the increased workload with the costs associated with new hires. This can result in larger workloads for existing team members, which is tough, even if it is temporary. In this environment it is always important to communicate well with your team so they understand it is short term pain and that they know that the additional work required will come to an end. Thanks, reinforcement and team rewards can also help to ensure the team know you acknowledge and appreciate their efforts.
  3. Implementing performance management systems Developing practical performance management systems which work and which your managers can easily implement is essential. Giving relevant, honest and constructive feedback is a tough skill to master and most junior, and many senior, managers struggle to do this well. Done professionally, providing honest feedback can be a major factor in gaining top performance from your team. Alternatively poorly executed performance reviews can be a disincentive and impact negatively on productivity.Having a system which is easy to use and investing in training your managers to implement the process well is an essential for performance enhancement.
  4. Managing poor performers As careful as you may be with your recruiting, sometimes you end up with team members who don’t measure up. This may be for a range of reasons, inclusive of the business and role evolving and outgrowing the person’s current capabilities. Having these conversations early is difficult, but vital, so that any difficulties are addressed before a crisis point is reached. It is fairer to the employee if they are informed of your concerns and you are able to offer them the right support to improve or transition to another role or, in some cases, out the business.
  5. Coping when key people leave the business In a medium size business succession planning is often something which is missed as time pressures and key priorities take over. It’s not until a key team member leaves that this lack is exposed. Succession planning needn’t be onerous or time consuming, and can be done easily be reviewing your key roles quarterly as part of a management meeting. Even in small and medium sized businesses some provision for succession planning can be made.

The responses we received indicate most of us face much of the same challenges and have similar frustrations in our teams.

The cost of remunerating staff is usually a large component of business expenses. Staff and people issues take up a large portion of management effort and present many of the biggest challenges. Spending the time to ensure you have solid HR systems in place makes absolute business sense.

A pro-active approach to HR in your business will save you time and money.

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HR and the year ahead

Business confidence is up, the unemployment rate is down, it is an election year and already we are noticing an increase in turnover for the year to date.

2014 feels like it will be a year for change and a year for growth, both personally and professionally.

Just like you are seeking to take advantage of the positive business environment, your staff are seeking new challenges and opportunities and this changes the dynamics of your HR needs and what you can expect in the future.


  1. A continued focus on diversity. The term diversity has gained considerable attention in the past few years, and this will continue throughout 2014. The demographic of the New Zealand worker is changing, with a large number of skilled migrants, working mothers and an aging workforce. Smart businesses will realise that within these groups lie a huge pool of talent and experience, and widening your recruitment practices to consider these options will enable access to a wider talent base. This in turn will mean developing a workplace culture and systems which support and encourage these differences and allows all employees to flourish.
  2. The continued blurring of the work/life balance. As the use of technology at work evolves, the line between work and other life is increasingly blurred leading to higher stress levels and an increased chance of staff burnout. At the same time employees are becoming more aware of the need to look after their own health and well-being. The impact of this is that businesses will have to start considering the “whole” person, if they are to encourage top performance. Does your team have proper down time without their phone going off every 5 minutes? Are they stressed due to financial pressures? Are they healthy? All of these factors impact on the work they do, and helping your team to lead balanced lives will benefit your business.
  3. Top talent becomes more visible, and mobile. As social media avenues like Linkedin become more widely used, traditional recruitment practices are changing and widening all the time. Rather than relying on job boards like Seek alone, recruiters now actively review Linkedin profiles and can tap into the market of passive job seekers. Good news for you, as you have access to talented candidates who may not necessarily be actively looking for new roles, but equally challenging as this means your top performers become fair game for recruiters on the hunt. Engaging, developing and challenging your team will become crucial to ensuring that when someone knocks at the door, your best people say “No thanks. I am happy here”.
  4. People data takes on more importance. Most businesses now understand the importance of using data to set budgets, track progress and spot trends across all departments, but the use of people metrics has been slower to catch on. This year an increase in offers of HR technology will help to encourage the use of people data to make decisions, identify issues and utilise this information to help you to make effective business decisions. Do you know your turnover rate? What about your absenteeism figure? Number of workplace accidents? If you don’t, you should. It will help you build a better business for the future.
  5. Health and Safety focus increases. With the setup of Worksafe NZ in December 2013, Health and Safety is bound to be a hot topic in 2014. While the initial focus is on high risk industries, we have already seen the release of guidelines for managing bullying in the workplace, and can expect more information and “best practice” documents over the coming year. With the increased focus it is timely for all of us to review our Health & Safety practices. Are they robust? Do they work? Are your people safe? The increasing profile of Worksafe NZ will mean Health & Safety will become highly visible for your team as well, and if you fall short in any area, likely to encourage questions from your team. It is a good time for all of us to review our practices, and make sure we are doing the right things to keep our teams safe at all times.


Change is inevitable in business. To successfully steer through the constant winds of change, use good HR practices to ensure your staff enjoy their work and their working environment, are challenged, and feel rewarded. Then they will work hard and produce the results you need.


As JW Marriott once said “If you take care of your people, your people will take care of your customers, and your business will take care of itself.”

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Tips to keep your team safe and happy this xmas season

The silly season has begun!! The sun is out, spirits are up, the beach is calling, Xmas shopping is underway and you and your team will be starting to look forward to the Xmas party, which is just around the corner.

But beware. While this may be the most exciting time of year for most of us, it can also be a time of increased risk for your business.

The combination of improved moods, relaxing of attitudes, casual summer dressing and, usually, an increase in alcohol intake provides the perfect environment for an increase of incidents of sexual harassment and the risk of workplace injuries.

Many employers do not realise the same responsibilities they have to their team in the workplace extends to any functions or gatherings they organise. Exactly the same as you would on a day to day basis, it is your duty to take reasonable steps to protect your staff at your Xmas party,

One of the most difficult return to work cases we ever were involved in involved a fall at a Xmas party caused by a tiddly person climbing on an unstable table. While, in hindsight, grateful it ended the strip tease she was about to do, the employee in question suffered long term injury repercussions from the accident, which was deemed a workplace accident and resulted from a failure of the business in question to take all practical steps to keep its employee safe.

So without being a killjoy, what should you do to keep your team safe at the Xmas party, and still ensure they have a good time?

Firstly, consider the risks involved. Make sure the venue has a sound H & S policy and they have identified and minimised all potential hazards. Secondly, consider how you will handle alcohol consumption, whether you need to have guidelines in place, or someone designated to keep an eye on staff who look like they might over indulge. Lastly, think about how your team will get home. Xmas is notoriously a bad time to get a taxi, and in any event some of the team may not be able to afford a taxi. Take those decisions out of their hands. Organise some taxi chits with a specific taxi Company. This will help minimise both your risk and the likelihood that inebriated staff members will drive away in their cars or make unsafe choices after the event.

The number of sexual harassment cases reported also jumps considerably during December. Together with a relaxing of dress code and a loosening of ties often comes a relaxing of behaviour standards. Compounded by alcohol, some team members may gain some extra confidence and fail to understand when their attentions are unwanted.

We suggest that before your party you ensure you have a sound policy in place to address this, and that your team know what steps to take and who to talk to if they are made to feel uncomfortable. Statistics show that nearly two thirds of woman have encountered some kind of sexual harassment in the workplace (and some men as well), and I’m sure, as the leader in your business, you will want to ensure the woman you employ are safe at all times.

With all these risks and pitfalls, we hope none of you are thinking “Is it worth it?” Of course it is! Xmas parties are fun, they are a great way to reward your staff for their hard work, boost morale and encourage team building.

So relax, kick up your heels, and lead the festivities from the front. Just make sure before you do you take a few simple precautions to ensure everyone enjoys the party and it ends well for all involved. If you feel the need to put in place appropriate policies to safeguard you and your team, give a us a quick call and we will give you a hand . Let’s make it a Merry Xmas for all!

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How do SMES win the war for talent?

The recruitment decisions made by an SME are often far more critical than those made by a larger organisation, and every new hire, no matter what role, can have a major impact on the Company’s overall success. Having one unproductive team member amongst 500 will usually make little difference to the Company’s bottom line, but having one person who is underperforming in a team of 20 can negatively impact on team morale, overall productivity, and cause huge disruption in your business.

Despite this we are often asked by SMEs how they can be expected to compete for talented staff, who are being offered extensive training and development, career opportunities and all the flash bells and whistles bigger businesses can afford. The answer to this lies in understanding the strengths and advantages of working for an SME and clearly communicating this to your candidates. Your offer is different, yet far more appealing to the right candidate, with the right attitude and temperament for your business.

So what is your SME hiring advantage?

  1. Access to the senior decision maker. How many people actually get to speak to the CEO of Telecom? And even if they did how many would know what to say? In an SME employees have the opportunity to speak directly to the top person on a daily basis. This means their contribution has real meaning to the business, and they usually have a better understanding of the vision and purpose of the company. They are closer to the key decision makers and are better able to influence the results. This can be a big attraction for potential employees.
  2. The opportunity to work with all parts of the business. I recently rang a large Government agency with two questions, and although one was answered quickly, they told me I had to call back for the second as that was handled by a different department…on a different floor…and the department I was speaking to didn’t know anyone on any other floors. Sound familiar? It may be only a lift ride away but for many companies other departments are like completely separate businesses. Not in an SME. If you have a question or need help from finance, it’s simple, get up, walk 10 steps and ask your accountant. How great is that?
  3. Variety. I love HR, but some days I could do with a little more variety than what is in front of me. I want something new and different, and to be involved in something that gives me a bit of a mind break. That never happens in a large business. Can you imagine an HR Manager answering customer phone calls, or a marketing assistant packing parcels in the warehouse? For staff who love learning different skills, inter-acting with different people and experiencing new things SMEs are the place to be. Some days you are busy and it’s all hands on deck in one area, some days you may be short staffed and everyone pitches in somewhere else. Staff who enjoy variety will love this challenge within an SME and enjoy the chance to be involved in the full scope of what the business does, and be free from the constraints of a silo.
  4. On the job learning. You may not be able to afford the flash week long courses in some big hotel, but when you stop to think about it, how much do the staff actually get out of them? I often see people walk away with one or two good ideas, and forget the rest, often at a cost of thousands to the organisation. Not in an SME. In your business they can absorb the skills they need directly from the subject expert as they need them and in a manner which directly relates to their role. Need to know about sales? Ask the sales guy who can explain how and why things work with real business examples. This is far more useful than a theoretical input only, and is far more likely to be remembered.
  5. Open communication. It is hard to hide things in a small office, and equally as hard to hide how you feel about decisions and other people’s re-actions to them. This transparency fosters an environment of open communication, where team members know where they stand and are comfortable sharing opinions.
  6. Teamwork. Teamwork in a larger organisation means working with the people sitting next to you. Team work in an SME means working with everyone. This camaraderie creates a sense of family in the organisation and this is usually highly appealing for candidates. In an SME team members grow to know each other on a deeper level, which creates security, trust and a more enjoyable work environment.
  7. Comfortable work environment. Not everyone wants to wear a suit to work. In fact surprisingly few people do. For the right candidate being comfortable and casual is highly appealing, as they are able to focus on results, not their appearance. This won’t appeal to everyone, but a more relaxed dress code where staff can kick off their shoes and get down to work can be a big hook for some candidates.
  8. A real chance to innovate and try new things. Most organisations talk about innovation and herald this as a core value. Unfortunately in many organisations what this actually means is that the executive team has new ideas which everyone else puts into practice. Not in an SME. You have to rely on the team members at the coal face coming up with the ideas to improve their part of the business so you can be competitive. So innovation isn’t just a slogan on the wall, it is a real everyday part of the job.
  9. Fast decision making. How frustrating is it when you have to wait months for things to go up one side on the management chain and then down the other, and then wait for the result to come back through the same channels? What can seem like a very straightforward question or idea can take months to be decided upon, often after the opportunity has long passed. Not in an SME. Have a question, ask it, answer it, do it – love it!!
  10. Flexibility and the ability to change. Finally had your idea approved in a big business? That’s just the first step, now it needs to get implemented. And so the process starts again, proposal up the chain, down the chain, changes up the chain, down the chain, change plan up the chain, down the chain….you get the picture. Not in an SME – what needs to change, how can we do it, can we do it tomorrow?

Now that you know what your recruitment advantages are, the trick is to use this to sell your role, and to recruit people who really do see these points as advantages and make sure you have the right “culture fit”. Candidates who have spent years in corporate environments, who value structure and processes, and think new ideas need a 10 page proposal to accompany it won’t fit with your business. Team members who are quick thinking, adaptable to change, empathetic to those around them, and value teamwork and trust will fit perfectly, and prefer you to any of the flash bells and whistles a big business can offer.

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Make your performance appraisals work!

It’s that time of year again. The second annual performance appraisals are due and time is running out. Just a mention of the words “performance appraisal” can start stress levels rising. Staff become apprehensive, managers become far too busy to complete them, and the champion campaigning to have them done begin their thankless task in earnest. If this paints a picture of what happens in your business, then it is easy to see why many people find it difficult to see their benefits.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way and, in fact, a well implemented process and robust conversation will bring numerous benefits to your business. Staff will be more engaged, more motivated, more productive, have a stronger focus on the right outcomes, and relationships between managers and their teams will improve.

So how do you change the mind-set and implementation of your appraisal system to make sure you reap the rewards these discussions can bring? Here is a starter-pack to set you on the right track:

  1. Firstly, call them something else. The term performance appraisal is traditionally not something which makes people jump for joy. What about “Performance and development plan” or ‘Achievement discussion” or simply ”Performance Catch-Up”? Think about a term that you believe your staff will find positive and real.
  2. Prepare, prepare, prepare. Make notes throughout the year of key conversations held and of occasions when your team have excelled. Spend time reviewing these, as well as any meeting notes, KPI records and anything else which is applicable. Have specific examples to refer to during the discussion and have a clear picture of how think the team member is going, and why.
  3. Make the conversations two-way. Your team should have a copy of the appraisal document, and should do the same preparation you do. Encourage them to spend time considering their own performance and during the discussion ask many questions so you can understand their own perceptions of their performance. Always try and let them give their assessments first before you do, and give them plenty of time to think and answer. Having their participation will increase their buy in and commitment to the discussion, as well as to any future goals you set.
  4. Have the discussions more than once a year. Appraisal discussions can be pretty heavy when you are trying to review a whole years performance. Try doing them 6 monthly . You will find the discussions are shorter, easier, and both managers and staff become better at them as they have more practice. It also makes goals and actions more relevant.
  5. Open up the discussion to include what is important to the employee. Try asking your employee to come prepared to discuss what they want to get out of their role, what extra support and help they would like, and what they would change in their role to improve their performance. Putting the focus on the team member can improve the conversation and help you really get to the heart of any performance issues or barriers they may be facing.
  6. Listen. Don’t need to say more than this.
  7. Be constructive and honest. If you are unhappy with a team member’s performance they will probably have sensed it. Your demeanour and the way you deal with them most probably will have given you away. This is a great opportunity to talk your concerns through with them. Managers are often scared to bring up the tough stuff. Yet if you don’t it undermines the trust they have in you. By acting one way and saying something else your team doesn’t know where they stand, don’t know the expectations you have of them and don’t know what to improve, so you don’t do them or your company any favours by choosing not to cover the tough stuff in the conversation.
  8. Give your team the respect they deserve. These discussions are very personal. Your team tries hard and often their work outcomes are tied closely to how they feel about their own personal worth, so remember this when you rush it through in half an hour, or re-schedule the appointments. You are actually saying all the effort you have put in is only worth 30 minutes of my time, or isn’t as important as me getting a report completed. Is that the message you want to send?
  9. Be positive about the process. If you drag your heels and complain about having to get the appraisals done, how do you think your team will feel about the discussion? If you are excited, positive, and lead by example with the attitude you want your team to exhibit, your team’s approach to the discussion will change and you will see a far better outcome because of it.
  10. Follow up. If issues have been identified, stay with them until they are resolved.

Performance appraisals are worthwhile, they do have benefits, and they can be an enjoyable and motivating discussion. But it won’t happen purely by you and your team turning up and ticking the boxes. Like anything worthwhile, it takes effort, it takes preparation and it takes thought.

We challenge you to start by reviewing this list and assessing your current practices against it. What can you change? What can you do better and what attitude will you approach appraisals with in the future? Write these down, make a plan, commit to it and get started.

Remember appraisals are only part of the systems needed to communicate effectively with your team and get outstanding performance – but they are a great place to start. Good luck with your improvements. We know it will make a positive difference for you, your busin

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Proven ways to lift morale and performance across your whole team

All of us can look around the office and identify the team members who are high performers and those who plod along doing enough to get by, and not much more. Imagine looking around the office and seeing a different picture, one where everyone is motivated, achieving well above their goals, and highly productive. Better yet, imagine the difference this would make to your bottom line.

Building high performers can seem a challenging task, but the good news is that by implementing a few simple strategies you can improve the performance of your whole team, and reap the rewards.

Strategy 1 – Communicate your vision

Staff like to feel part of a bigger picture and understand what they are working towards. By understanding the Company’s vision and goals, they will be more motivated and better placed to help you achieve this. Regular communication on your progress towards these goals helps to keep them enthused and understand what difference their contribution makes.

Strategy 2 – Put aside time for your people

In today’s busy environment staff can often feel overlooked or feel that their contribution isn’t important to the overall business. This can lead to a decrease in motivation and less care taken in their role. By putting aside regular time to spend with your team, answering questions, providing guidance, feedback and encouragement and talking about their work they will feel valued and important, and improve their efforts towards achieving your business goals.

Strategy 3 -Encourage questions and ideas

Your staff are in the front line in dealing with customers and products so are in the best place to know how to improve processes and make changes to improve the way you do business. If you encourage them to ask questions, understand how things work and make them feel comfortable to offer suggestions and ideas you will be pleasantly surprised with the improvements you see.

Strategy 4 – Ask for feedback and reduce barriers

Have you ever stopped to ask your team what they need to help them perform? By taking the time to understand the pressures or barriers they may be facing, you can help them eliminate these barriers, and create an environment where they are set up for success.

Strategy 5 -Help them look to the future

It’s easy for team members to become reactive and respond to whatever is in front of them on any given day. Be teaching them to think about the future for themselves, your customers and the business, you can help them to become proactive and make the right decisions for tomorrow for your Company and themselves.

Strategy 6 – Say thank you

It is true in all aspects of life that people like to be appreciated, and the workplace is no different. Staff want to feel valued and appreciated, and that their hard work is noticed and makes a difference to the business. A simple thank you is an often overlooked, yet powerful management tool. Try to find at least one thing each day in your business to say thank you for .Your staff will appreciate it and work harder in the future, and it will make everyone feel good.

Take action

  1. Make a time to sit with each of your team members, share your vision for the Company, answer their questions, ask for their ideas, and what they need from you to help them perform
  2. Make notes, allow them to try their new ideas and solve any problems they have
  3. Make a time to follow up, review exchanges, and say thank you for their efforts

When did you last talk “big picture” with your team? Do you do it regularly? How often do you sit with each team member to catch up? Do you postpone these meetings because you are too busy? What suggestions have we recently implemented that came from the team? Do you know what their concerns and issues are? Do you know what the future ambitions of every team member are?

And…When did you last say thank you for a job well done?

Our experience tells us that almost everyone who honestly asks themselves these questions will find something they could do better. Your people are your most important asset. Without them and their commitment your business would be in trouble. It makes sense to value them and take the time to make sure you are doing everything you can to provide the leadership they need to succeed.