Reset and refine your HR Strategy and develop a plan for the times

29 May 2020


Employees and managers will have already had to adapt and reset how they do their work, either in a work-from-home arrangement or on returning to their workplaces. Their working world will be different and their expectations will also have evolved during the lockdown.  

With the organisation chart set up to best deliver the outcomes required, and with employees having a slightly different view of the world, it is important to revisit the basics of your HR strategy and then to develop your HR plan so as to motivate, retain and also attract new employees into your team when the time is right.

  • It would be of value to review the Purpose and Vision for the business. It could be that the goalposts have moved somewhat and a re-appraisal of some of your business goals is required
  • Along with Marketing, Financial and other business strategies, the HR Strategy needs to be 100% supportive of your business Purpose and Vision.
  • Set some goals in the following areas:
    • The ”new” workplace environment and new workplace tools
    • The “new” culture
    • Policy development to reflect the times
    • Employee engagement and motivation
    • Talent and leadership development
    • Performance measurement
    • Retention of valued skills
    • Succession plans

Discuss and agree your HR Strategy and plan and make it an exciting vehicle for employees to support.

Every business is different and, as such, will have different HR needs. Positive People is available to help. Call us on 09 445 1077 or email