Leadership Training & Development
Identifying talent, investing in potential and encouraging and supporting the professional and personal development of your team through in-house courses, training and coaching is a key to staff attraction, retention and performance. We can look into what drives your leaders, assess them, and provide developmental tools, be it training or individual coaching.

360 Degree Reviews
360 degree feedback surveys are an excellent tool to help manage performance and develop skills, especially amongst your senior team. Our easy-to-use 360 degree process can be customised to your needs and will provide you and your team with insightful information and feedback on individuals from the different levels of your organisation. Receiving this collated feedback from your colleagues, direct reports and manager is a powerful tool that encourages self awareness, and leads to improved performance. It can also feed directly into a leadership development program.

MBTI Assessments & Leadership Team Building
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is the best known and most trusted personality profile available today. Grow your team through an understanding and appreciation of individual differences. Each team member completes an on-line assessment prior to the workshop, and then the team comes together for a 2 hour session with our MBTI certified facilitator which covers: Individual understandings, Appreciating differences & strengths, Working together, Understanding and working through conflict

Sometimes leaders need support, external guidance and intervention to free them up from established habits and thoughts, so that they can deliver the performance they are capable of. We help overcome barriers to top performance through one-on-one coaching with an experienced coach who understands the difficulties that people in workplaces often face and is able to help move them them into a more productive space.
Leadership Courses
We offer practical experiential training that participants identify with and understand. Your team will be receptive to the training and take away learning that they can apply on the job immediately and directly.
Specially designed to be run in-house and deliberately pitched at those at the front line, our practical leadership courses provide essential knowledge and skills for those central to your success.

Talent Management
Skills shortages and the competition dictate that employers are alive to the need to not only build an attractive employment brand with a great culture, but to also take deliberate action to ensure that top talent is attracted into the organisation, developed and continuously motivated. We can help you develop a Talent Management plan that integrates closely with Succession Planning and your Strategic HR Plan.

Succession Planning
Succession planning helps you decide where people belong on the bus, and can help to “future proof” your organisation. Part of successfully planning for the future is having a pool of trained, developed and motivated employees ready to step into critical roles. This minimises risk should key people leave. We are able to guide you to develop a succession plan in your business, no matter what the size, that ensures a pool of talent is being developed for the future.

Training Needs Analysis
The provision of personal and professional training & development is viewed by employees as key to their attraction to and retention within organisations. Conducting a training needs analysis helps you to ensure you involve your employees in a discussion about what they see as their critical skill development areas. A Training Needs Analysis helps you identify and implement the right training and developmental activities into your business, targeting people who will make a significant difference to your business success.